Wednesday, July 04, 2007


剛剛看完由兩大奇幻文學作家-Isaac Asimov 和Robert Silverberg合作寫的Nightfall(夜幕低垂),簡單來說就是「勁」!!果然是Isaac Asimov 最精采的代表作,被稱為科幻文學上的一個里程碑也是一個必然的事實。

Nightfall沒有其他科幻文學的影子(當然它有Isaac Asimov的特點),一切都是由Isaac Asimov 一手創造出來的:
「The fictional planet, Lagash (Kalgash in the novel adaptation) is located in a stellar system containing six stars (Onos, Dovim, Tano, Sitha, Trey and Petru), which keep the whole planet continuously illuminated; total darkness is unknown, as are more distant stars. A group of scientists from Saro University begin to make a series of discoveries that all are ultimately linked. Sheerin 501 is a psychologist who researches the effects of prolonged exposure to darkness, Siferra 89 was digging at a site of a ruined city, only to find evidence of multiple cyclical collapses, and Beenay 25 is an astronomer who discovered irregularities in the orbit of Kalgash around its primary sun Onos. Beenay takes his findings to his superior at the university, Athor, who formulated the Theory of Universal Gravitation. This forces the astronomers at Saro University to attempt to find an answer to what is causing this anomaly. Eventually it is discovered that the only thing that could be causing the deviation is an astronomical body that orbits Kalgash, simply called Kalgash Two.

Beenay, through his friend Theremon 762 (a reporter), has learned some of the beliefs of the group known as the Apostles of Flame. They believe the world would be destroyed in a darkness with the appearance of Stars that unleash a torrent of fire. Beenay combines what he has learned about the repetitive collapses at the digsite, and the new theory with the potential of eclipses and learns that an eclipse on one-sun days (Dovim) occurs every 2049 years. Therefore, "nightfall" occurs once every 2,049 years, when the sole sun on one side of the planet is eclipsed for half a day.

Since the population of Kalgash has never experienced universal darkness the event of such a thing would be devastating and the population with even short exposure (15 minutes) can be susceptible to major trauma and possibly death from shock. When nightfall occurs and the stars appear for the first time in millenia on Kalgash universal anarchy breaks out and most are mentally damaged in the process at least temporarily. Cities are destroyed in massive fires and civilization - as previously known - collapses. The final section of the book deals with the ashes of the fallen civilization and the competing groups trying to seize control.」





例子我就不再舉了。而我最終的問題是「人到底信不信任科學」,這我又不再提了,你可以在之前的Foundation中找到答案,看Isaac Asimov的書就會令我想到這一個問題。

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